Monthly Archives: September 2018

Respect to be respected..


I love people. Respectful people!

Those people that know to encourage the others and motivate them.

Those people that smile even when the situation is not as they wanted to be, but they still have hope and keep their head up.

Those people that know when something or somebody’s behavior is too unacceptable to allow themself to be treated bad or humiliated. Those people that know when to say Stop and  start everything again and again.

I enjoy to be surrounded by people that, even when they are in pain and deep sorrow, still find the power to say a nice word to the others, that are also sad, disappointed or confused.

I love people that like to communicate about their thoughts and also listen to the others, giving them a little bit from their precious time and trying to find out something about their reasons to be happy, but also to understand their worries, suffers and upsets.

I love people that care about the other feelings and never try to put them down, even if they have the power to do it- with words or facts.

People that have the courage to say what they think even if the others point of view is completly different. And they do it in a respectul way, not only to show they have mind, but hoping to improve something in that situation.

I like empathetic people. They can always say something nice, from the bottom of their hearts; maybe they’ll be simple words, but with a deep meaning. They will touch souls and heal much better than any medicine.

If you encourage, give hope, listen and care, you have many chances to be treated nice.

Take care of what you seed!

He that sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.


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Noi experiențe


Fie că urmezi un curs nou, te înscrii la un alt club sportiv, începi o nouă relație sau schimbi locul de muncă, toate acestea au în comun un lucru: schimbarea.

Întreaga noastră viața se caracterizează printr-o multitudine de transformări, menite a ne cizela, cu scopul de a ne ajuta să aflăm cine suntem cu adevărat, care ne sunt limitele și ce știm să facem cel mai bine.

Așa reușim să ne descoperim talentul, să ne testăm răbdarea ori capabilitatea de a face fața unor situații noi, dar și de a îmbunătăți unele aptitudini deja existente, dar insuficient valorificate.

Schimbarea e privită uneori de ceilalți ca fiind o transformare dureroasă, care îngreunează mersul lin al vieții. Sau, în cele mai dese cazuri, e vazută ca fiind o piedică ce îi va țintui pe loc și îi va marca iremediabil, pentru totdeauna..

Ce-ar fi să ne amintim cu toții că rutina e plictisitoare și că ar fi frumos să avem cât mai multe de scris în cartea vieții??

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